The Zubři team performs specialized theatrical and movie combat events, both with cold weapons and firearms. It is our goal to provide the spectators with a perfect illusion of actual fighting, create an authentic atmosphere of danger and provide them with a unique experience.
The Zubři team has devoted themselves to this art since 1994. In the course of these 20 years we have acquired vast experience from theater stages, live performances and movie industry. Now we are going to show our skills to the spectators.
The Zubři s.r.o. company was established in 2014 due to spectator satisfaction and a series of successes with agencies. We are thus attempting to meet the expectations of our current and future customers and simplify cooperation options..
Stage Combat is a specialized theatrical method creating an illusion of a real physical combat while eliminating any possibility of injuries to the participating combatants. It is suitable for not only theater dramas but also for opera and ballet performances. This term is also used informally to designate combat choreography in other media performances, including movie and TV productions. Stage Combat, in the form of combat art practice, is a frequent study subject for actors and dancers and it is closely linked to performances by movie stuntmen.
Currently we offer the following successful programs. Aside from this we can prepare an exclusive program precisely according to your vision.
This performance designed for the exacting spectator will draw you among the arena veterans and into the fight for the bridge of death and eternal fame.
pdfA story of a power struggle among the Viking Jarls - the winner shall acquire the Iron Crown of the North.
pdfAn interactive street theatrical performance for both the kids and their parents that will guide you through the lives of the wicked Vikings of the early 10th century AD.
pdfACTION DESIGN according to the customer's wishes - a show as you imagine it. We have long-lasting experience with this kind of cooperation.
pdfWe will prepare a show specifically based on your ideas. We are used to theater stages and movie screens; we have been cooperating as choreographers with movie directors of many genres and we are therefore able to prepare custom-made events exactly according to the ideas of demanding customers. With us you can become Che Guevara, James Bond, Captain America or the beautiful Mata Hari.
We can prepare a private company event or a historical celebration for you; we will help you with stage settings.
We rent weapons, sceneries, stage properties and costumes; we also make weapons, armor and special stage properties for movies, theaters and private purposes, including exact copies of archaeological findings for museums and exhibitions.
We can make a short video or a trailer presenting your company or for advertising purposes. We are action scene specialists - we can incorporate virtually anybody or anything into the scenes. Depending on your needs and wishes we are able to make a movie with any mood - everything depends on your ideas. We are also no strangers to lighter genres with witty plots.
Our concept of production includes everything, starting with the design itself, through implementation and post-production and finishing with delivery of the finished work to the customer.
official teaser on
Pray (short) – filming (CZ)
Miss Princess of the world (CZ)
Emperor (IT/FR)
PlayStation Plus "Experience More Together" Commercial (GB)
The Last Knights (USA/KOR)
Götz von Berlichingen (DE)
The Three Musketeers (USA)
Merlin (FR)
Varjag - short (CZ)
Staropramen - Legend of Šárka (NL) Tři mušketýři (RU)
Staropramen - TVC Legends of Prague (NL)
The Three Musketeers (UK)
Anonymous (UK)
Ležáky 42 (CZ)
AT&T Orange commercial (GB)
Lotto commercial (N)
Henry 4 (D/FR) Peklo s princeznou (CZ)
Freestyle motocross, Gladiators (CZ)
Solomon Kane (GB/FR)
Svědectví vraků (CZ)
Des Kaiser neue Kleider (D)
Kříšťálek meč (CZ)
Příběh kamene (CZ)
Bathory (CZ/SK)
12 odvážných - Martin Junek (CZ)
Les Wisigoths & Bandes noires - Canal+ (FR)
Balada pro banditu (VČD)
Hamlet (Horácké divadlo)
Don Juan (VČD)
Zvoník Matky Boží (VČD)
Muž z kraje La Mancha (VČD)
Čachtická paní (VČD)
Markéta Lazarová (VČD)
Hamlet (VČD)
Cikáni jdou do nebe (VČD)
Malované na skle (VČD)
Král Colas (VČD)
Veselé paničky Windsdorské (VČD)
Cyrano z Buffala (VČD)
Tři mušketýři (VČD)
Noc na Karlštejně (VČD)
Romeo a Julie (VČD)
Ines de Castro (VČD)
Hrobka s vyhlídkou (VČD)
Předvečer tříkrálový (VČD)
Kupec benátský (VČD)
Nápadníci trůn (VČD)
Noc na Karlštejně (VČD)
Indiana Jones – Aviatická pouť
James Bond – Muzeum Stará Čistírna
Jak se dělá film (Avnet)
Dětský den v Nasavrkách
30. léta – Muzeum Stará Čistírna
Hard rock café (ČSOB)
La Grace – plavba (Avnet) James Bond
Indiana Jones
Mafie – Baraka Bar Aviatická pouť – UFNA
Gangster party (Proficredit)
Miss Princess of the world Piráti (BASF)
Filmpárty – předávání Oskarů (ČSOB)
Z pohádky do pohádky (ČSOB)
Orient Párty (Profi Credit)
Pátek 13. párty (ČSOB)
Totáč párty (ČSOB)
Historický den (Fagor)
Filmové Vánoce (Foxconn)
120 let Paramo (Paramo Pardubice)
Gangster párty (Synthesia Pardubice)
Muzikál párty (ČSOB)
Historický den (Holcim)
Piráti – dětský den Čáslav
Den Komerční Banky (KB)
Bond párty (Paramo Pardubice)
Světové Vánoce (Foxconn)
Piráti z Karibiku (ČSOB)
Vánoce našich předků (Foxconn)
Stroj času (Synthesia Pardubice)
2010–2011 Svět Slovanů a Vikingů
2004–2015 Čarodějnice pod Kunětickou Horou
2014 Mikulášské adventní trhy
1998–2010 Zámecké slavnosti
Pardubické léto s minulostí
Pernštýnská noc
2004–2014 Slavnosti královny Elišky
Svatováclavské slavnosti
2006, 2007, 2010 FMX Gladiator games
2005–2014 Císařský den
2014 Miss Princess of the world
2002 a 2008 Historický víkend aneb strašidla a mumraje plzeňské
2012–2013 Otevírání lázeňské sezóny
2013 Městské slavnosti
2005 a 2010 Městské slavnosti
2013 Otevírání muzejní expozice
2013 Koně v akci
2000–2005 a 2009 Městské slavnosti
2000–2005 a 2009 Městské slavnosti
2003–2004 Botanicus
2004–2006 Zámecké slavnosti
2005 Městské slavnosti
2011 Lughnasad
2009 a 2010 Městské slavnosti
2010 Znojemské vinobraní
2008, 2010 Městské slavnosti
1998 Festival šermu
2005–2006 Městské slavnosti
2012–2014 Festival vojenské historie
2002 Alessandria
2006, 2007 a 2009 Heroldsbach „Schloss – Thurn park“
2007 Norimberk „Tucherspiel”
2001–2003 Bernau „Fechtenfestival“
2010 Dauhá „Qatar Marine festival“
2003 Beverly near York
2014 Banská Štiavnice – Historické slavnosti
2013 Trnava – Historické slavnosti
2008–2014 Nowa Slupia „Dymarki Swietokrzyskie“
2006–2008 Wroclav „Grod“
2008 Biskupin „Festival Wikingov“
2006–2010 Wolin „Festival slowian i wikingów“
Arnošta z Pardubic 2789, 530 02 Pardubice, Reg. No.:02926083
+420 607 985 633 (Lukáš Kratochvíl) +420 777 840 126 (Michal Vraný)
Copyright © Zubři 2015